It’s Not Too Late to #Inktober

The Ides of Inktober is a Chance for Procrastinators to Join in this Exciting Creative Challenge

Tom Froese
8 min readOct 11, 2023

It’s already the middle of October, and you still haven’t started your #Inktober project. At this point it feels like it’s too late, so why bother, right?

Well, first of all, you’re not alone! Even I—the guy who teaches that Drawing Is Important—am in the same boat. I wanted to do an #Inktober series of posts for Instagram but time got away from me. But what if it was okay to just do half of…



Tom Froese

Illustrator. Creatively Empowering Teacher/Speaker. Represented by Making Pictures/UK & Dot Array/USA. Top Teacher on @skillshare.