For Designers: How to Choose a Style

With so many styles to choose from to represent a concept, how does a graphic designer approach choosing just one?

Tom Froese
8 min readApr 8, 2021


I’m going to shift gears today. I was going to continue writing about my “big why” for writing my book, but this question came up on the discussions in The Style Class, and I couldn’t resist responding:

As I have understood a graphic designer doesn’t restrict himself to a particular style. With so many styles to choose from to represent the concept, how does a graphic designer approach choosing one? Is there a guide or process a graphic designer has to follow? As I have understood so far, Context, Brand and Audience are deciding factors. I am unable to figure out how can style influence this. My education in this matter is missing. Any guidance around this will help.

While The Style Class is all about developing a personal illustration style, designers often have to work in different styles, depending on the needs of their client. I think it also depends on the designer. Some designers (whether individuals or studios) have a signature approach. I think of Ty Mattson or Allan Peters. As graphic designers, they have developed a very specific brand of designing that shows through across all their client work. In this sense, they are more like…



Tom Froese

Illustrator. Creatively Empowering Teacher/Speaker. Represented by Making Pictures/UK & Dot Array/USA. Top Teacher on @skillshare.