Draw With Me | April 27, 2023
You are invited to the first ever DRINK AND DRAW WITH ME, on Thursday, April 27 at 7PM.
Yes, that’s right, this one will be in the EVENING for me, and some of you on the other side of the world will actually be awake!
You can drink whatever suits your fancy, your timezone and your age! As for me, I will be drinking B E E R !
For this month’s theme, we’ll be drawing inspiration from retro beer labels/packaging!
This event will take place over Google Meet, as usual. Just use the link in this Patreon post to sign up and join on the day of the event. I will send a reminder within an hour of starting!
Event Date
Thursday, April 27, 2023
7:00pm — 8pm (PDT — Vancouver/Los Angeles)
How to Sign Up
Find the secret Google Meet link on this Patreon post. (Join for $8).
What Will We Do?
I have a fun, guided drawing exercise to go through with all of you.
What Do We Need to Bring?
- Drawing: Anything you’d like to draw with. ✍️🎨🗓️🖌️✏️
- Drinking: A drink of your choice! Please choose appropriately according to your age, your boss’s approval, etc. 😂 🍺🍷🧉🫖🥛
How to Register
If you’re an OG Fan or Drawing Buddy Patreon supporter, and getting this message, you have automatic access to the Google Meeting via the link above. Simply join at the the time/date listed above.

What if You Can’t Make it?
As always, I will be recording the event and make it available as a replay, available to all Drawing Buddy Patrons in the future.
See you there!